check this out. this is one of the coolest tech in photography. this is the technology that i've been waiting for for almost 2 years but still it hasn't been integrated into our current cameras yet. There are such plans but it will require time for this technology to mature and becomes more affordable.
It's like 5 years ago, you go telling the die-hard film user something like this...
"there's a camera that doesn't use film and when the pictures were taken, it would be stored inside a chip(memory card) and then downloaded into a computer using a cable. one chip can store few hundred pix and a film can only store 36 exposure"
The die-hard film users would probably laugh and maybe don't believe or accept such things at the beginning.
Few months ago, i once told a professional photog that such technology would be integrated into our future systems. he seem like he did not accept what i say. I think i understand why...it takes time for people to adapt to BIG CHANGES.
Apparently when this shoot now and focus later technology was announced, manufacturer was actually complaining that they have to change the entire way they design and built their systems for this. Who won't right? Well, its like film switching to digital. If it happens, it will happen rapidly. Manufacturers will have to adapt to it when the consumer demands for it.

See shot above. The picture was taken as a single frame (one shutter click) but computed on a PC to generate 5 different frames. if you look from left to right, the girl on the left is in focus then when you move from the left to the right frames, the people at the back is in focus and now the girl on the left is out-of-focus (it's not blur, its out-of-focus). The software that comes with the camera can specifically tell where to focus at a later stage. Scary i know!
Apparently they have removed a lot of test shots and movies which was previously posted for preview.
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For more details of this technology see here